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Getting Started

Alt Product Suite provides end to end HR solution to not only engage employer, recruiter, vendor and candidate but also integrate processes from on boarding to exit. It lets you keep a check on your employees’ performance. It also provides you with the facility to customize these processes.

The Alt Product Suite Help site provides you with:

  • Requirement Specifications: Prerequisites to run the applications.
  • Release Notes: New features, enhancements and fixed bugs.
  • Alt Product Suite Help: Details about each product’s guide. It takes you through the processes in your organization module wise.
  • Alt Configuration: Details about playbook and configuration guide. It takes you through the implementation details and configuration of processes in your organization module wise.
  • Blog: Articles about various products.
  • Post an Idea: To get your ideas implemented, post them and our Alt team will review and implement them.

It also lets you search within these topics.